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Why creativity is the best skill in Enterprise Sales

Creativity is the best skill you can have in Enterprise Sales. Let me explain why…

What is creativity

Creativity is usually something we associate with artists or inventors. So let me first make sure to level set on what creativity is.

Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new. Such as a new solution to a problem. A big part of enterprise sales is about problem solving.

During the current Fourth Industrial Revolution, creativity is the most essential soft skill.  AI can do a lot of things but it is terrible at creativityArtificial intelligence faces challenges in being creative because it lacks the capacity to comprehend and combine unrelated concepts in the manner that humans can.

AI will replace jobs that lack creativity. Such as transactional sales roles. Meanwhile jobs like complex enterprise sales that need creativity will remain reliant on humans.

 Why creativity is the best skill to have in Sales

Enterprise sales means large contracts, many decision-makers, high risk, and a lengthy sales process. So, salespeople face many obstacles to close deals. Overcoming all these obstacles requires creative problem solving.

Creativity takes precedence over secondary skills like improved communication, negotiation, or increased product knowledge. A salesperson needs to devise creative solutions to the typical sales cycle challenges. Otherwise, they won’t need negotiation skills. Negotiation only happens near the end of a sales cycle. 

When an enterprise salesperson is creative, they provide added value. They assist their customers in overcoming obstacles that prevent them from reaching their objectives. A creative salesperson is the kind of professional that customers want to collaborate with. Without creativity, a salesperson might appear robotic, like this

Often a prospect will have no plan to buy the product that an enterprise salesperson is selling.

Getting a customer to transition from no recognized need to buying demands exceptional creativity.

someone smart

Companies would do well to hire salespeople who are creative. Test for creativity. Train you existing salespeople to be more creative. Creativity is the best skill an enterprise salesperson can have.