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An easy way to not bore customers

The economy kind of sucks right now. Therefore it is hard to get meetings with prospects. In this situation one way to get more meetings with prospects is to not bore customers. To emphasize – don’t be boring!

Of course this is not rocket science. Moreover, not what you would hear from a sales training guru. But it is 100% accurate.

Markedly, once you get a meeting setup it’s important not to bore customers. Because you worked hard to get the meeting and now you don’t want to blow it.

An easy way to not bore customers is to speak less. Furthermore when you do speak, talk about them. Not you, your product or your company. Spend more time listening to them. Let the customer speak.

This means that you need to STOP;

  • Pitching your product
  • Talking about your company..
  • Offering to demo your product.

Having better conversations will make you less boring. Those conversations should be about the customer’s current realities. How are they handling the current economic realities? What are their current priorities?

A lot of this is common sense. However, in the heat of the moment, we fall back on old habits and have a tendency to talk too much. We talk too much about our product and company. Things that are boring to the customer.

Sales is about human behavior

At its core, this is a matter of psychology and human behavior. A well-known study was conducted at Harvard University in 2012. It revealed that discussing oneself generates a biochemical response.  Encouraging your customers to talk about themselves lights up a part of the brain. Want to know something amazing? Discussing oneself triggers similar feelings to enjoying food or engaging in sexual activity.

In short, discussing oneself is satisfying because it produces a neurological high.

Do you want to take an extra step to keep your customers engaged? Show an interest in what they talk about  by asking informed questions. This will reveal that you’ve been paying attention and comprehend their perspective. This approach raises the likelihood that they’ll invite you back for more discussions. Most compelling evidence – Several studies support this approach. Including “Tell me more: The effects of expressed interest on dialog receptiveness” from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, September 2010

Do not bore customers

In conclusion, remember this simple rule to be less boring. Talk 80% about them and 20% about you. That’s it. Must be remembered – people get bored listening to other people talk about themselves. As well as talk about their company or their products. If you can actually follow this you will stand out from most other salespeople. That’s a step in the right direction towards closing a sale…