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Doing dumb things to make bad times even worse

Sometimes tech companies do dumb things to make bad times even worse. Example of a dumb thing.

Times are not great for the technology industry right now. The economy is currently marred by high interest rates and inflation. This has caused a slow down in corporate spending. In addition this macro economic environment has led to a more challenging fundraising environment.

In some cases, tech companies are aggravating the situation by making ill-advised decisions. (aka doing dumb things). Companies have cut employee benefits, hiring freezes, pay freezes, and even lay off employees.

The economy will recover and technology companies will begin to hire again. However, those who did dumb things during the downturn will struggle to find the best employees.

Tech companies need to stop doing dumb things and focus on the long term. Instead, companies should treat employees with the same respect and consideration as before the economic downturn. Since this is not only the right thing to do but also the smart thing to do.

Tech companies need to invest in their workforce and foster a supportive work environment. Because this will position companies for success when the economic tide turns. 

To succeed long-term, tech companies must make decisions that benefit their employees. In short, stop making dumb decisions that alienate employees. This will help their long-term business grow. Isn’t growth the goal of every tech company?