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‘Offboting’ – deal with the new realities of automation

‘Offboting’ is starting to happen. This is my term for when employees are replaced by advanced AI chatbots. Incredibly this has already started to happen for some jobs in some industries. AI chatbots are not just a buzzword and hype.

This is a similar situation as what happened in the 1960s and 1970s with offshoring of manufacturing. Large corporations relocated their operations to countries with lower production costs.

Right now, the only jobs at risk for offboting are lower value jobs. The pictures that DALL-E creates are not great. The texts that ChatGPT writes are not great. But these will improve over time. At some point the output provided by an AI chatbot could be as good as what a human can produce. At least for basic things like simple images or writing text.    

ChatGPT suggestions on how to deal with offboting

Here is some advice from ChatGPT on how to avoid being replaced by an AI chatbot;

  1. Develop skills that are difficult for AI to replicate: AI chatbots are good at processing large amounts of data and providing quick responses. However, they lack the emotional intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking abilities that humans possess. Therefore, people should focus on developing skills that are difficult for AI to replicate, such as empathy, problem-solving, and complex decision-making.
  2. Embrace technology and learn new skills: People should not fear technology, but rather embrace it and learn new skills. AI and chatbots are becoming more prevalent in various industries, and it’s important to learn how to work with them. For example, people can learn how to develop and manage chatbots, or they can specialize in areas that require human judgment, such as customer service.
  3. Focus on customer experience: While chatbots can provide quick and efficient responses to customers, they lack the personal touch that humans can provide. People should focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences by providing personalized service and building relationships with customers. This requires empathy, communication skills, and a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences.
  4. Stay informed and adapt to changes: The job market is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay informed about emerging technologies and changes in industry trends. People should be open to learning new skills and adapting to new roles as technology evolves. By being flexible and adaptable, people can stay ahead of the curve and remain valuable in the job market.


Developing skills that are difficult for AI to replicate will help people avoid being replaced by chatbots. Moreover, you should prioritize the activities that will add the most value to your job. For example, if you write marketing content make sure you create content that leads to high conversion rates. AI can write content but it is not necessarily compelling. A qualified human should be able to create content that leads to more people clicking on the call to action.

By following these tips, people can enhance their job security and avoid being a victim of offboting.