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Undifferentiated mediocrity – how to stop it in B2B Marketing

Want to know how to stop the race to undifferentiated mediocrity in B2B marketing?

First, understand how serious a problem there is in B2B content marketing. Content creation has never been easier. Because AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, Copymatic and others make it so easy to create content. But, easier does not always mean better.

The amount of content available to buyers today is already overwhelming. For example, type “how to reduce IT costs” into Google and you get 2 billion search results! This is unbelievable! If I was an enterprise decision maker who was responsible for reducing IT costs, how would I proceed? Among the 2 billion results, which would I pick to read if I was doing my own research? I pity the person who actually has to wade through this content. After reading marketing content from a few different vendors it all start to sound the same.

We already have a problem with undifferentiated mediocrity in B2B marketing. It’s about to get much worse. And I am not just talking about how a company’s logo looks.

Anne Handley believes that content marketing should not be mass-produced. Furthermore, Anne says we create the highest quality business writing with our hearts. Consequently, Anne says it is best to use AI as a supporting tool. Specifically, use AI to brainstorm or edit a blog post.  

The advice of Seth Godin from 2015 still holds true today. Before these AI content tools were available Seth suggested – “Don’t do business writing. Write like you talk instead.“

I believe that too many marketers will do as Dave the Director of Marketing for ACME is doing in this cartoon. Particularly, many marketers will use AI tools to do the actual content creation. That is a big mistake. Specifically, this will result in too much content of undifferentiated mediocrity.